D P B S College, Anupshahr

Affiliated to CCS University, Meerut
NAAC Accredited Grade 'B' with CGPA 2.71
ISO 9001:2015 (QCC/E69A/0524) Certified College

डी पी बी एस कॉलेज, अनूपशहर

चौ० चरण सिंह विश्वविद्यालय, मेरठ से सम्बद्ध
नैक से मान्यता प्राप्त ग्रेड 'बी', सीजीपीए 2.71
ISO 9001:2015 (QCC/E69A/0524) प्रमाणित कॉलेज
Click here for BEd Admission 2025
Ph.D. Admissions Open

Online Public Access Library
Faculty Of Science ( Under Govt. Scheme)

SNo Acc. No Book Name Writer Publication Year PDF
1. SF-01 Software Engineering David Gutstafson Tata Mc Graw Hills 2003
2. SF-02 Data Communication David Gutstafson Tata Mc Graw Hills 2003
3. SF-04 HTML & DHTML David Gutstafson Tata Mc Graw Hills 2003
4. SF-05 Operating System David Gutstafson Tata Mc Graw Hills 2003
5. SF-110 Business Statistics R S Bhardwaj Excel Books 2001
6. SF-115 Operating System Concepts with Java SilberSchatz Excel Books 2001